Batteryless OP-1
Is it possible to use a Teenage Engineering OP-1 without a battery when it is worn out?

RetroChipTester firmware update
How to update the firmware of your RetroChipTester with a PICkit 4

Sidecar Restauration, Part 3
Now it's finally time for a test run. Will the Sidecar work?

Sidecar Restauration, Part 2
In the second part, the Sidecar is repaired and reassembled.

Sidecar Restauration, Part 1
The Sidecar is a real Amiga rarity. Let's restore one!

An Arabic Toast Rack
I'm restoring a very special Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128K.

Competition Pro Mini refurbishment
Let's build a completely new board for these joysticks.

CD32 Refurbishment, Part 2
How to replace the laser and calibrate the CD drive of a CD32.

CD32 Refurbishment, Part 1
This poor machine had a botched restauration attempt. Can I fix it?

Building a ZX Dandanator Mini
The ZX Dandanator Mini is a DIY game cartridge for the ZX Spectrum. Let's build one!

ZX Spectrum Plus Repair
This ZX Spectrum Plus was an upgrade, and gave me quite a headache with its poor picture quality.

New ZX Spectrum 48K
This is how I built an (almost) brand new Sinclair ZX Spectrum.

Amiga Debugging with Linux
AmigaOS offers a simple debugger via serial port. With a zero modem, you can read the debug output on your PC.

Amiga 1200 Black Edition
The Amiga is still alive and getting new hard- and software. I'm building a black Amiga 1200 from new parts.

Amiga 1000 Restauration, Part 3
In the third part of the Amiga 1000 restauration, I will replace the floppy drive with a floppy simulator, and put everything back together.

Amiga 1200 Mouse Button Fix
The right mouse button does not work on your Amiga 1200? This is how to fix it.

Amiga 1000 Restauration, Part 2
In the second part of the Amiga 1000 restauration, I will take care for the keyboard. There is a surprising lot to do!

Amiga 1000 Restauration, Part 1
The Amiga 1000 is the jewel of every Amiga collection. I had the lucky chance to get one. Let's refurbish it!

Atari ST
I was curious about what an Atari ST feels like. So I got one, and futureproofed it.

Rehousing of a PSP
Let's refurbish a handheld game console for a change. This PSP got a shiny new case, and a custom firmware.

MaestroPro Internal
The Maestro Professional was a fully digital Amiga sound card. Let's have a look how it worked.

The Red C64
After refurbishing Amiga and Spectrum home computers, it was time to get my hands on a broken Commodore 64.

ZX Spectrum "Portugal"
This Spectrum was "Assembled in Portugal". The first time I see that. Let's give it a new life.

A new Harlequin
The Harlequin is a Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128K clone. It's available as DIY kit, and it's fun to make one.