

Mavenize your Sass

Sass is a kind of precompiler for CSS that offers additional features like nested styles, variables or includes. The syntax of scss files is similar to standard CSS, so it's very easy to learn.

My goal is to:

  • nicely integrate Sass into the Maven build process,
  • use Jetty to see the web application with the compiled css files, and
  • see changes to a Sass file live (without running Maven or restarting Jetty).
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maven-release-plugin and git fix

After hours of trying and wondering why my release scripts suddenly stopped working, I found out that maven-release-plugin seems to have an issue with git on recent systems. If you invoke mvn release:prepare and find out that the release process just runs against the current SNAPSHOT instead of the release version, you likely stumbled upon bug MRELEASE-812.

The reason for this issue seems to be that mvn release:prepare parses the output of git status. However the status is localized in recent versions of git, and maven-release-plugin fails to parse the localized output.

The coming fix will probably use git status --porcelain, which returns a machine-readable output. However, for the time being

mvn release:prepare

is a valid workaround.