Mavenize your Sass

Sass is a kind of precompiler for CSS that offers additional features like nested styles, variables or includes. The syntax of scss files is similar to standard CSS, so it's very easy to learn.

My goal is to:

  • nicely integrate Sass into the Maven build process,
  • use Jetty to see the web application with the compiled css files, and
  • see changes to a Sass file live (without running Maven or restarting Jetty).
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JSF2.0, mod_proxy and CSS

I stumbled upon a strange issue when I recently deployed a JSF 2.0 web application. The application was developed using Jetty, and was working fine there. However when I deployed the application on a server, the page layout was utterly broken and Firefox complained that it would not load some CSS resources because of the wrong content type application/xml+xhtml.

On the server, a Tomcat is connected to an Apache web server via mod_proxy and mod_proxy_ajp. I found out that the Tomcat itself delivered the CSS resources without a Content-Type header, but the Apache web server returned a Content-Type: application/xml+xhtml. Actually, mod_proxy always adds a Content-Type header if it is missing, and tries to guess the right content type by the file suffix.

I searched the net for a proper solution of this issue, but found none. After some experiments, a working solution was to configure the Apache web server to force the content type of all .css.xhtml files to text/css:

<LocationMatch "\.css\.xhtml$">
    ForceType text/css

However I don’t know if this is the best practice. A likely better solution would be the Mojarra Faces servlet to return a proper content type for the CSS files.